The (not so) mysterious death of Rosalyn Albaniel Evara.

By PNG Echo Postscript As an Australian tax-payer, I object to my hard-earned tax dollars going to a foreign government that tacitly condones the wholesale abuse of half of their population – and then does it with my money. It is time that international sanctions were applied to Papua New Guinea – time to hit them where it will hurt – in the money pocket.  The international community need to express their disgust at the ongoing human rights abuses in PNG – we (the international community) can stop this, even if they won’t. Let’s make this stop at Rosalyn Albaniel. Continue reading The (not so) mysterious death of Rosalyn Albaniel Evara.

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History has lessons for the Anti-Violence-Against-Women Movement in PNG

By PNG Echo For women in Papua New Guinea, this week has been variable. There have been both lows and highs. The good news is that the Strategic Plan to combat violence against women, which is a comprehensive document that understands the need for long-term planning, has been endorsed by the parliamentary National Executive Council (NEC) which is a huge first step in a long journey. The bad news is that it took the mutilation of a 19-year-old woman who had both her legs chopped off by a jealous husband to wake the relevant department from its reverie (it had Continue reading History has lessons for the Anti-Violence-Against-Women Movement in PNG

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