Slip rule applications are rarely successful.

By PNG Echo That the leave sort by lawyers for the Prime Minister to apply the ‘Slip Rule’ to the recent Supreme Court ruling (lifting the injunction on arrests and harassment of the Prime Minister and his associates) was not granted today, is not surprising. I don’t believe there is any case which has actually been granted leave to make a Slip Rule Application since the rules were changed in 2012 requiring that leave be granted. What’s more, in this particular case the Justices who handed down the decision to lift the stay (Hartshorn, Makail, Sawong) are the ones that Continue reading Slip rule applications are rarely successful.

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Look who’s talking – Foreign media.

By PNG Echo. The failed state of PNG proclaimed the headline of Australian ’boutique’ publication The Saturday Paper, (its author, Mike Seccombe) This is opinion and, in my opinion, it is tainted opinion. It’s a melange of the same old sources, saying the same old thing, displaying a nostalgic longing for a time passed when Papua New Guinea was ‘get rich and get out’ country unimpeded by governments who were far more malleable than this one. Take the headline – incorrect:  the very first indication of a failed state is when the government loses control of its disciplinary forces. That hasn’t Continue reading Look who’s talking – Foreign media.

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