Student protests: the missing Ingredients

By PNG Echo. They say that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Here are a few historical lessons I’ve dug up for the protesting students of PNG to keep in mind. What’s the issue? On initial reflection, it seemed to me that the difference between the protests of the PNG students and other past student protests elsewhere in the world is that the PNG protests have been partisan and blatantly political, right from the word go – targeting one man, not even a government or a party and that’s not usual. For even though the Continue reading Student protests: the missing Ingredients

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Spotlight on social media:

By PNG Echo This week there has been two separate innovations mooted to regulate social media by the government and its agencies. Firstly, the Office of the Censorship Board is talking of introducing an ‘internet filtering system’ to control illegal use of the internet that is said to be “rampant at the moment.” (Post Courier). Robroy Chicki who is the principal adviser on mass media with the Censorship Office has said the system is aimed at creating “… a holistic partnership approach to uphold the morale [sic] standings in the society.” As such, the main target of the Censorship Office Continue reading Spotlight on social media:

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