Lawyer, rapist, wife beater, mother beater, polygamist, conspirator, money launderer, thief…

… reads the profile of Senior Lawyer, Philemon Wass Korowi should all allegations against him be proven writes PNG Echo White Collar crime In a press statement, Sam Koim, of Task Force Sweep has confirmed that yesterday, Mr Korowi was arrested and  charged with: 4 counts of stealing from the state to the tune of over K10 million 4 counts of conspiracy to defraud the State 4 counts of money laundering The charges were in relation to the Paraka matter where it’s alleged that in 2007, 2008 and 2010 Korowi used his firm’s trust accounts to facilitate and launder payments Continue reading Lawyer, rapist, wife beater, mother beater, polygamist, conspirator, money launderer, thief…

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Manus Island: What did they expect?

Much has been written on the plight of the asylum seekers on Manus Island but as dire as their plight is, there are other casualties of Australia’s callous politically motivated policy: the people of Manus Island. By PNG Echo To establish an Asylum Seeker Detention Centre with less than humane conditions on an island in a country with such profound problems that media commentators have referred to it, variably, as a ‘hell hole’ or a ‘failed state’…well, what was the Australian government thinking?  (Oh yes, the polls.)

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