Abuse of Social Media.

By PNG Echo He’s not a lawyer, nor a journalist: Bryan Kramer is the thrice-rejected parliamentary candidate for the seat of Madang. In spite of what he’s not, globalization and the democratization of the media means that he commands an audience far greater than his expertise warrants. Tim Nichols in The Federalist in his essay ‘Death of expertise’ writes: …democracy, […] denotes a system of government, not an actual state of equality. It means that we enjoy equal rights versus the government, and in relation to each other. Having equal rights does not mean having equal talents, equal abilities, or Continue reading Abuse of Social Media.

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How will they know? The dilemma of foreign affairs journalism

By PNG Echo She had been hacked with a machete – opened up from her sternum to her pelvis. Her intestines were exposed and spilling out from her cut abdomen. She’d been disemboweled. The graphic pictures that appeared on Facebook came with the explanation that this was done to her, by her husband, in retaliation for adultery. Were it in the Middle East, we’d shake our heads and maybe say: “It’s typical of those radical Muslims with their Sharia Law and their lack of respect for women,” wouldn’t we?” Well it wasn’t. This occurred in a stridently Christian country from Continue reading How will they know? The dilemma of foreign affairs journalism

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