Mr Namah – who’s saying what? (An open letter to the Opposition Leader of PNG)

Dear Mr Namah, My father often used to say when I’d interrupt him: “When I talk to the organ-grinder, I don’t expect the monkey to reply.” Using this metaphor, PNG would be forgiven if they were getting confused as to who is who in your relationship (alleged) with Sonja Barry Ramoi. I say “alleged” because while she is busy publicly giving the impression that the Opposition Leader of Papua New Guinea does not sneeze without her say so, you have been especially quiet about her. All this from a man who the Prime Minister has stated has nothing to offer Continue reading Mr Namah – who’s saying what? (An open letter to the Opposition Leader of PNG)

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The Blame Game: DSIP Funds

 District Services Improvement Program (DSIP): is it an effective means of devolved funding to better reach the people or is it a members’ personal slush fund? Is DSIP funding (or the withholding of it) a way for the executive government to reward or penalise Members of Parliament at whim – and does it become a handy scapegoat for penalised MPs who haven’t delivered nor were ever going to? PNG Echo explores these questions. An urgent application to the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea has been lodged by Belden Namah (and/or the Opposition) and will be heard on March 14. Continue reading The Blame Game: DSIP Funds

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