Gari Baki’s crackdown: Shameless hypocrisy

By PNG Echo The truism that a fish rots from the head (that problems in an organization all stem from its leadership) was clearly not uppermost in Commissioner of Police, Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (COP, RPNGC) Gari Baki’s conscious when he issued a press statement, a few days ago, about how he was going to crackdown on corruption and police brutality within the RPNGC. “…POLICE Commissioner Gari Baki says a special investigation team will be formed in NCD soon with the primary objective of detecting and prosecuting members of the Constabulary who are involved in corrupt practices. This is Continue reading Gari Baki’s crackdown: Shameless hypocrisy

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No one is above the law…except Gari Baki!

If you’ve already made the assumption that this article is about the brutalising of the child by special police in Kimbe, West New Britain – you are, in part, correct, but only in part.  Because, with Baki as the Chief of the RPNGC the buck stops ultimately with him- he is responsible for the behaviour of his thugs. If that were the only thing Baki were guilty of, it would be enough, but his role in this affair has been far less passive than just assumed responsibility. He may not have delivered the blows that injured the child, but he Continue reading No one is above the law…except Gari Baki!

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