Thin blue line between justice and contempt

As a reasonably litigious society, it is often too easy for the PNG media to eschew publishing about matters that don’t flatter their prejudices using the excuse of subjudice contempt as their morally pious shield, notwithstanding that PNG does not have trial by jury so the only person who can be influenced by publication is judges who are supposedly impervious. In the article below which I wrote for ABC The Drum, more than four year ago, I lamented that the charge is used by the unscrupulous to avoid scrutiny. Is the press in PNG also using it to promote and Continue reading Thin blue line between justice and contempt

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Tuberculosis in PNG: Of myths and misconceptions

Late in 2012, I was an invited fellow of the National Press Foundation of Washington to the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung diseases’ (the Union) annual conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Union, is one of the world’s peak bodies in the fight against Tuberculosis (TB) along with the ‘Stop TB Partnership’ (a part of the World Health Organization -WHO).  It is these two organizations that largely inform the Government of PNG’s health initiatives, policies and strategies surrounding TB.  It was the Union that developed the Direct Observation Treatment – short course (DOTS) that is now administered by World Continue reading Tuberculosis in PNG: Of myths and misconceptions

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