When you’re handed a lemon – make lemonade. The PNG Oil Search shares saga.

By PNG Echo. Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill has defended his government’s position on the controversial UBS loan in the wake of an article published by Fairfax Media saying: The cost of losses we suffered to the Arabs are far worse than the cost we pay on the loan from UBS.” He went on to explain: PNG paid $8.20 when the Somare government agreed to pay $8.50 to the Arabs, Oil Search is our country’s biggest tax payer and one of the largest employers of our citizens so why is it wrong for us to be a stable shareholder in that Continue reading When you’re handed a lemon – make lemonade. The PNG Oil Search shares saga.

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Let the courts decide (again)

By PNG Echo The National Court’s decision (June 11) to stay the directive from the Ombudsman’s Commission (OC) forbidding the repayment of the UBS loan until the results of a Judicial Review is heard – is yet another instance of a country that is becoming unnecessarily litigious and overly reliant on the judicial system.  Excessive legalism One could be forgiven for thinking that a punitive ‘legalism’ is standing in the stead of sound judgement in PNG. So concerned are the populace with law enforcement that it serves as a smokescreen for other urgent and relevant questions that so often go Continue reading Let the courts decide (again)

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