Laws on Cyber Crime: you asked for it!

By PNG Echo It’s draconian went up the plaintive cry in response to the new cyber-crime laws passed by the PNG legislature in parliament yesterday with an overwhelming vote of 73-0. The moaners are the same people whose illegal and/or immoral activities this legislation had been enacted to curb: the people who abuse social media, Internet and the privilege of free speech in this medium. As I’ve not yet had the opportunity to peruse the legislation, I can’t comment on whether it is excessively harsh and severe (as the use of the word ‘draconian’ implies), but what it definitely is, Continue reading Laws on Cyber Crime: you asked for it!

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Spotlight on social media:

By PNG Echo This week there has been two separate innovations mooted to regulate social media by the government and its agencies. Firstly, the Office of the Censorship Board is talking of introducing an ‘internet filtering system’ to control illegal use of the internet that is said to be “rampant at the moment.” (Post Courier). Robroy Chicki who is the principal adviser on mass media with the Censorship Office has said the system is aimed at creating “… a holistic partnership approach to uphold the morale [sic] standings in the society.” As such, the main target of the Censorship Office Continue reading Spotlight on social media:

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