Polye or Namah? Rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

By PNG Echo. In an interview given to EMTV at the end of last week, Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill commented on a number of issues including: the recent defections (?) to the Opposition, the Grand Chief’s move to the middle benches (or the opposition depending on who you listen to) and the UBS loan. The Prime Minister reminded his audience that PNG, as an adherent to democratic principles, was governed by the virtue of numbers – and he had them In fact, O’Neill has almost 60 Members of Parliament in his own PNC party, according to figures he quoted. With Continue reading Polye or Namah? Rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

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Supreme Court backs Prime Minister and rule of law. (How could Namah have got it so wrong?)

By PNG Echo. I’ve been incommunicado on the other side of the world for some weeks, so yesterday (24 October 2014) with good internet connections temporarily restored, I was shocked to learn that tensions and conflict within the police service in PNG seems to have escalated. Why should that be so when the Supreme Court on October 2 clarified the constitutional position confirming that the Commissioner of Police has ultimate authority and control of his men – and that the duty of a police officer was to obey the orders of superiors? Well, seems some ‘rogue’ police officers have chosen Continue reading Supreme Court backs Prime Minister and rule of law. (How could Namah have got it so wrong?)

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