Don Pomb Polye: the bridesmaid, never the bride.

If the Hon Don Pomb Polye has ever had an ambition to lead Papua New Guinea as Prime Minister it has been thwarted at every turn. By PNG Echo As a seasoned parliamentarian with more than 11 years experience under his belt, who has held ministerial portfolios up to, and including that of of Deputy Prime Minister (to Grand Chief, Sir Michael Somare in the pre-coup government), Don Pomb Polye seems fated to always be the bridesmaid and never the bride. What’s more, he only held his most senior role for 5 months (in 2010) before being relieved of it Continue reading Don Pomb Polye: the bridesmaid, never the bride.

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Don Polye – the Engan.

By PNG Echo  Well is he really?  Engan, that is. Polye lived the majority of his life in Mt Hagen.  Perhaps that’s why his elevation to the position of MP for Kandep sticks in the craw of so many.  Because, in an electorate that’s riven with internecine violence, Polye’s rise to power has hardly been a unifying force  – quite the opposite. He has the dubious honour of an attempted assassination on his life during a political rally in Kandep in 2007. It’s clear that this ‘true son of Enga’, is not loved by all.  Election shenanigans The gunman may Continue reading Don Polye – the Engan.

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